Photo: HomeDSGN

The Latest in Real Estate with Jeremy Fain

by Jeremy Fain
| April 10, 2016 11:50 pm CDT

What’s the one thing that you want to devote your time to once you purchase your first property? The trend that I’m seeing right now is gardens! More and more people are growing green thumbs, and those green thumbs are sometimes bigger than their bodies! In conjunction with the theme of health and better living, gardening promotes those ideals and those of mending a home.

What are the hot items to grow in your garden, you ask? The things I’ve seen, and the things that I’ve eaten, revolve around your standard fresh items. Tomatoes, squash/zucchini, asparagus, kale, carrots, and arugula, just to name a few.  I’ve even seen many people growing huge gardens of herbs that harvest rosemary, basil, thyme, and mint!

One thing that is near and dear to my heart are fruit trees. If you don’t have the soil to harvest a rich southern apple tree, a lemon or lime tree will instantly fulfill those desires.  Imagine those days or evenings that you want nothing more than a refreshing beverage and you have to go no further than your own backyard in order to fulfill that craving.

Gardening is the new black. Get ready because you’re about to go head-to-head with your next door neighbor on who’s cabbage is better!